Tag: sex

More Details Revealed On ‘Bachelor’ Star Colton Underwood Getting Groped At That Charity Event…

Can’t believe we even have to say this but, this is a BIG no-no, ladies…

As we first reported the other day, Colton Underwood was at a charity event meet-and-greet on Friday in San Diego, joking around with fans and taking pictures while raising money for a good cause, when a woman came up and ruined ALL that with one very un-cool move.

Related: Colton Sends Multiple Girls Packing…

According to TMZ, the woman approached him and grabbed his crotch (!) in front of everyone at the meet-and-greet, telling him straight to his face “I am going to take your virginity.” Uhh….

Eyewitnesses are now revealing that Colton quickly cut his appearance short after that, apparently needing “a moment to compose himself” after being groped before heading for an early exit.

He reportedly felt bad about leaving fans hanging out wanting more, but he had to get out of there. Honestly, we can’t blame him.  Who does that?!?!

Thankfully, sources say this won’t stop Colton from doing meet-and-greets in the future… he just hopes other women will respect him and his junk.


[Image via Bachelor World/YouTube.]

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FBI Investigating Ryan Adams’ Alleged Sexually Explicit Communications With Underage Fan As Record Label Puts His Album On Hold

When the FBI starts investigating you, ya might be in some deep s**t…

That’s the case with Ryan Adams, who is now officially the subject of an FBI inquiry into whether he committed a crime by engaging in “sexually explicit communications” with an underage fan, according to a new report in the New York Times.

Related: Women Come Forward Against Ryan Adams…

The inquiry, as reported by a law enforcement official with knowledge of the matter who spoke to the Times, is investigating whether the 44-year-old artist can be criminally charged over text messages and online video calls with the girl — who was between 14 and 16 years old at the time.

Those video calls, per the report, sometimes contained nudity. Adams apparently never met the girl in person.

Andrew B. Brettler, the singer’s attorney, has strenuously denied the allegations, saying (below):

“[Ryan] never engaged in inappropriate online sexual communications with someone he knew was underage.”

Well, now, that’ll be for the FBI’s Crimes Against Children Squad to determine. Per the report, if they find the accuser’s story credible during the course of their investigation, it’s likely they will subpoena Adams’ cell phone records for more info.

Related: Adams Says Not One Song Is About Mandy Moore…

That’s not the only issue the star is facing now, either — though the FBI inquiry is, by far, the biggest and most pressing.

Also on the list, though, is his forthcoming album Big Colors officially being put on hold by Universal Music Group. It had been scheduled to come out on April 19, and was to be one of three planned releases by the musician in 2019, but now… not.

No word on whether — or even if — that album will ever be released, though it all likely depends largely on the FBI’s investigation.

Furthermore, three companies that manufacture instruments and gear for musicians have also officially cut ties with Adams, per a report in The Independent.

A rep for one of the companies — Benson, which sells amplifiers — released a statement with their decision on Friday morning (below):

“We are saddened and surprised by the recent allegations against Mr. Ryan Adams as documented in the New York Times. We have decided to suspend our relationship with Mr. Adams at this moment, and will no longer move forward with the development of the Ryan Adams signature model. We have no further comment at this time.”

Walrus Audio and JHS Pedals have also announced that they are severing ties with the embattled musician.

Wow! Reactions to all these developments, Perezcious readers?!

Sound OFF in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN.]

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Cardi B & Bruno Mars’ New Song ‘Please Me’ Will Make You Wanna F**K! LISTEN!

THEY DID THAT! Cardi B and Bruno Mars dropped their new collab Please Me on Friday and f**k does it make you want to do the nasty! Twitter is loving it, with some calling the track “pure filth”, “r&b classic”, and “a whole mood”!! Listen (above) and let us know how you feel about it in the comments (below)!

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ANOTHER R. Kelly Sex Tape With An Underage Girl? So Claims Michael Avenatti…

Michael Avenattiyes, that Michael Avenatti, the one representing Stormy Daniels in her ongoing lawsuit against Donald Trump — has a new target: R. Kelly!

And he says he already has ANOTHER underage sex tape as evidence!

The controversial lawyer, who once flirted with a presidential run just to go up against Trump himself, reportedly came across the tape in question at some point within the last few months.

Related: Trump Thinks ‘Nipple’ Is WHAT?!

According to Avenatti, this is reportedly a 45-minute VHS video during which Kelly allegedly engages “in multiple sex acts with a girl.”

CNN claim they’ve verified the tape’s existence — and claim the girl is on tape referring to her own body parts as “14 years old,” too, hence the belief she is underage and the tape itself is proof of a serious, sick crime.

Avenatti produced an official statement for the media earlier on Thursday announcing his findings (below):


It should be noted this is NOT the same tape for which R. Kelly stood trial in 2008.

Per Avenatti’s team, this tape has never before seen the light of day, and while they are further investigating it they’ve also passed it on to appropriate legal authorities.


Any reactions to this new sick set of allegations, Perezcious readers?? Sound OFF in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN.]

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EXCLUSIVE! A1 Bentley & T-Pain Team Up For Lusty Anthem ‘Secret’!

Just in time for Valentine’s Day?? In their new song and music video SecretLove & Hip Hop: Hollywood star A1 Bentley and T-Pain team up for a lusty anthem dedicated to the side chicks and side dudes around the world. Think of the song as a public service announcement about the various “situationships” out there! WATCH the sexy video (above)!

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‘Big Mouth’ Creator Nick Kroll Joins Conan O’Brien To Teach A Sex Ed Class — Watch!

If you’ve never seen Netflix‘s funny animated show Big Mouth, you are seriously missing out — created by Nick Kroll, it gives a HIGHlarious take on sex education, puberty, and adolescence with a never-ending line of great jokes! So this week on Conan O’Brien‘s late night show, Kroll and Conan decide to go teach sex ed, you know, since they are such experts! Ch-ch-check out the hilarious clip (above)! Ha!!!

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Former Nurse Accused Of Impregnating Incapacitated Woman Pleads Not Guilty

A former nurse who was accused of raping an incapacitated woman who gave birth has entered his plea.

As we reported last month, 36-year-old Nathan Sutherland (pictured above) — who worked at the Hacienda HealthCare facility in Phoenix, Arizona — was arrested.

Related: Hacienda HealthCare CEO Had Over A Decade Of Sexual Harassment Complaints

According to the New York Times on Thursday, the licensed practical nurse plead not guilty to charges of sexual assault and child abuse.

At the brief hearing, Sutherland spoke only to provide his name and date of birth, and was swiftly taken back to Maricopa County Jail, where he has been held since January 23.

According to authorities, a DNA sample taken from Sutherland matched that of the newborn, who was delivered in December.

After the woman in question gave birth, the CEO of Hacienda HealthCare stepped down, the doctor responsible for the woman resigned, and the facility enacted strict new rules not allowing male employees to be alone with patients.

Sutherland is being held on $500,000 bail, and his next court date is scheduled for next month.

[Image via Maricopa County Sheriffs Office.]

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Justin & Hailey Bieber Open Up About Their ‘Very Hard’ Marriage, Remaining Celibate Before Tying The Knot, & More In ‘Vogue’ Cover Issue!

Vogue‘s March cover stars might come as a surprise, but here Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber are flaunting their love on the new issue.

Inside the glossy, it’s another story.

For their first joint interview together — and the musician’s first lengthy interview in more than two years — the couple have decided to get real about marriage since they tied the knot in a courthouse in September. There are trust issues, counseling, but also a reminder that they can still “enjoy their adolescence.”

Related: Hailey ‘Can’t Wait’ To Have A Baby With Justin!

The model explained:

“The thing is, marriage is very hard. That is the sentence you should lead with. It’s really effing hard.”

Still, the 22-year-old shared that she and the singer are putting in the work, fully aware of how young they are:

“It’s just that I’m fighting to do this the right way, to build a healthy relationship. I want people to know that. We’re coming from a really genuine place. But we’re two young people who are learning as we go. I’m not going to sit here and lie and say it’s all a magical fantasy. It’s always going to be hard. It’s a choice. You don’t feel it every single day. You don’t wake up every day saying, ‘I’m absolutely so in love and you are perfect.’ That’s not what being married is. But there’s something beautiful about it anyway — about wanting to fight for something, committing to building with someone.”

Getting married wasn’t something she jumped into, either. Giving it careful consideration, Hailey admitted:

“I prayed to feel peace about the decision and that’s where I landed. I love him very much. I have loved him for a long time. We’re committed to growing together and supporting each other in those changes. That’s how I look at it. At the end of the day, too, he’s my best friend. I never get sick of him.”

It clearly hasn’t been easy for the newlyweds, who are still planning to have a wedding ceremony, as Justin divulged his own issues:

“It’s been so hard for me to trust people. I’ve struggled with the feeling that people are using me or aren’t really there for me, and that writers are looking to get something out of me and then use it against me. One of the big things for me is trusting myself. I’ve made some bad decisions personally, and in relationships. Those mistakes have affected my confidence in my judgment. It’s been difficult for me even to trust Hailey. We’ve been working through stuff. And it’s great, right?”

As you know, Mr. and Mrs. Bieber briefly dated about three years ago, though things really fell apart, with them suggesting, or maybe even implying, there was a betrayal. Stephen Baldwin‘s daughter expressed:

“Negative things happened that we still need to talk about and work through. Fizzled would not be the right word — it was more like a very dramatic excommunication. There was a period where if I walked into a room, he would walk out.”

But when they reconnected this past June at a Miami conference hosted by Rich Wilkerson Jr., she continued:

“The common denominator, I promise you, is always church. By then we were past the drama. I just gave him a hug. By the end of the conference, he was like, ‘We’re not going to be friends.’ I was like, ‘We’re not?’”

Not even a month later, the Canadian had proposed.

Justin explained:

“I’m the emotionally unstable one. I struggle with finding peace. I just feel like I care so much and I want things to be so good and I want people to like me. Hailey’s very logical and structured, which I need. I’ve always wanted security—with my dad being gone sometimes when I was a kid, with being on the road. With the lifestyle I live, everything is so uncertain. I need one thing that’s certain. And that is my baby boo.”

Revealing he was celibate when he and his now-wife rekindled their relationship because of “a legitimate problem with sex,” an addiction, the Purpose singer confessed:

“Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough. Because they lack self-worth. Women do that, and guys do that. I wanted to rededicate myself to God in that way because I really felt it was better for the condition of my soul. And I believe that God blessed me with Hailey as a result. There are perks. You get rewarded for good behavior.”

So, there goes those pregnancy rumors!

But it wasn’t just a desire to have sex that had them rushing to make their marriage official, but as Justin says:

“When I saw her last June, I just forgot how much I loved her and how much I missed her and how much of a positive impact she made on my life. I was like, Holy cow, this is what I’ve been looking for.”

Bieber also reveals he was celibate when he reconnected with Baldwin and admits that the desire to have sex was a factor in them getting married, but it wasn’t the only reason. “When I saw her last June, I just forgot how much I loved her and how much I missed her and how much of a positive impact she made on my life,” he recalls. “I was like, ‘Holy cow, this is what I’ve been looking for.’”

They’ve come a long way since their first meeting ten years ago, with Hailey recalling:

“I was never a superfan, of him or of anyone. It was never that crazed, screaming thing. I didn’t think about it in any kind of way except for the fact that he was cute. Everybody had a crush on him. But for the first few years we had a weird age gap.”

It wasn’t until a few years later when they bumped into each other again that they built a relationship, but just as friends:

“One day Justin walked into Hillsong and was like, ‘Hey, you got older.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, what’s up?’ Over time he became my best guy friend. I was running around with him as his homie, but we weren’t hanging out [romantically].”

Look at them now!

It’s hard not to appreciate the couple for opening up so much about their honest relationship with each other…

Even if there was surprisingly no mention of Selena Gomez, the ex Bieber also reconnected with prior to dating Hailey again.

But there’s been more to Justin’s journey than that.

Talking about canceling the last dates of his Purpose tour a couple years ago, the 24-year-old revealed:

“I got really depressed on tour. I haven’t talked about this, and I’m still processing so much stuff that I haven’t talked about. I was lonely. I needed some time.”

Even now, his relationship with music still feels off:

“Just thinking about music stresses me out. I’ve been successful since I was thirteen, so I didn’t really have a chance to find who I was apart from what I did. I just needed some time to evaluate myself: who I am, what I want out of my life, my relationships, who I want to be—stuff that when you’re so immersed in the music business you kind of lose sight of.”

Recalling the change over the course of the years, Bieber recalled:

“I was real at first and then I was manufactured as, slowly, they just took more and more control. I started really feeling myself too much. People love me, I’m the shit—that’s honestly what I thought. I got very arrogant and cocky. I was wearing sunglasses inside.”

He continued about his “douchey” behavior:

“A lot of the douchey things I was doing gave people the right to be like, ‘Man, that’s frickin’ douchey, bro.’ But a lot of the stuff was like—me peeing in a bucket, people made such a big deal of that. Or me owning a monkey. It’s like, if you had the money that I had, why wouldn’t you get a monkey? You would get a monkey! I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super-promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed. My mom always said to treat women with respect. For me that was always in my head while I was doing it, so I could never enjoy it. Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing.”

Wow. The star really has come so far, and it sounds like his being with his fellow Vogue cover star, has helped him get to the place where he is today.

We hope the couple can continue to put their relationship first!!

Take a look at their cover and spread (below)! Plus, be sure to let us know what you think of their joint interview in the comments.





[Image via Will Alexander/WENN.]

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‘Bachelorette’ Alum Evil Chad Says Now-Engaged Couple JoJo Fletcher & Jordan Rodgers Knew Each Other Before The Show!

“Evil Chad” is spilling some SERIOUS tea!

On his Bachelor Chad podcast on AfterBuzz TV, Bachelor Nation alum Chad Johnson claims Bachelorette season 12 JoJo Fletcher and winner/her now-fiancé Jordan Rodgers had a relationship BEFORE they appeared on the ABC show!

Related: Kendra Wilkinson Denies Dating Evil Chad!

The reality TV villain revealed:

“He walked in and there was something there, and it turns out they had talked before the show. Cause it was like, why is this dude – like, he walked in and he had said one thing to her and within five minutes he was just on the couch just chillin’. And it was like, how is this guy like THIS confident. You know what I mean? And if you watch it back when he walks up and he introduces himself he said, ‘Nice, to finally meet you.’ Now, if you just met this girl, that’s not what you say. It’s nice to meet you? So that was the whole thing is because he knew he’d be good to go…they’d already been chit-chatting for a while. Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble there.’”

The 31-year-old TV personality — who appears on season 2 of the U.S. version of Ex on the Beach — also said the MTV program has a CRAZY sex culture, where at one point, FIVE couples were doing the dirty!

“There was some sketchy stuff. At one point, I think there was like five couples all having sex at the same time. We’re downstairs, and there’s one couch here – people are having sex. One couch right here – people are having sex. And then, the rider room above, we know for a fact people are having sex, you them it downstairs. And the other room on, like, the opposite walls. And I think somebody was in the bathroom, right next to us. So like was like five couples, all like, within a cylindrical 3 foot square area.”

WATCH his full podcast (below):

[Image via JoJo Fletcher/Instagram/FayesVision/WENN.]

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