Month: April 2019

Easter Sunday explosions at multiple churches and hotels rock Sri Lanka, death tolls rises

A pair holding U.S. and British nationalities were among the 11 verified foreigners killed after a series of explosions struck three churches and three luxury hotels in and just outside of Sri Lanka’s capital Easter Sunday, leaving at least 207 people dead and 450 others injured, officials said.

Source: Easter Sunday explosions at multiple churches and hotels rock Sri Lanka, death tolls rises

FIREWORKS! Mike Huckabee Calls For April Ryan’s White House Credentials to be Revoked For Saying Sarah Sanders’ Head Should be “Lopped Off”

April Ryan Mike Huckabee sprung into action Friday to defend his daughter, White House Press Sec Sarah Sanders after CNN’s April Ryan called for Sanders’ head to “lopped off.” April Ryan demanded Sarah Sanders be fired over a discrepancy in a statement she made about the rank and file at the FBI losing confidence in […]

Source: FIREWORKS! Mike Huckabee Calls For April Ryan’s White House Credentials to be Revoked For Saying Sarah Sanders’ Head Should be “Lopped Off”