Citizen Rose taking no prisoners!

Rose McGowan Aims at Alyssa Milano in Intense Nightline Interview: ‘I Think She’s a Lie’

Source: PerezHilton.com

Rose McGowan has been a central figure in the ousting of showbiz abusers since being one of the first to publicly accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault last year.4

But not all figures of the subsequent #MeToo movement are playing for the same team, the actress claims, like her former Charmed costar Alyssa Milano.

In December, the Brave author called Milano out on Twitter for publicly supporting Weinstein’s wife Georgina Chapman. Now, McGowan is shedding more light on why she thinks Milano is “fake” — and boy, is it a doozy!

Video: Rose Was The ‘Architect’ Of Weinstein’s Downfall

When asked if she was proud of Milano for her involvement in #MeToo, the 44-year-old gravely told ABC News‘ Nightline:

“I don’t like her… I think she’s a lie.”

After she was pressed further, the activist called bullshit on the entire movement, claiming Milano is connected to the very agency behind the industry’s “pimp problem”! She continued:

“Do you think I don’t know these people? I’m not looking at this from the outside. I have a lot of experience… I know [Milano is] married to a CAA agent. Do the math. Who’s behind Time’s Up? CAA. Where do they meet? CAA. Who needs good PR? CAA. Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.”

Shit, she’s blowing up the whole alleged operation! (MORE)



CAA Building. Illuminati all over it!


oCAA is a talent agency that controls most of Hollywood. With that said, they control what faces are put on screen for which YOU pay to see at the theaters, essentially funding the Illuminati!

Unless they could explain the perfect shape of their buildings being in align with Illuminati symbols, then they have some explaining to do. 5b809be6ba53f6a277abe3b7b7ece01ec6fff61ff1efa411468ac3d13aaf8cf4

Many sources say that in order for these talents to play the fame game, they have to join/support this secret society, not by force, but it’s their decision. Those that play the fake game of interest, by pretending to be curious about this society – or trickery- break through the Hollywood wall, given a few roles and then after their interest is proved to be unauthentic, are quickly black listed by the powerful and have to find other means to get on the big screen. Those that join are quickly shot up the fame game and given role after role, with close-ups that every director/editor knows is the secret that separates stars from actors. We are seeing the slaves fleeing the society and what the aftermath looks like.

Everything from pedophilia to stars supposedly slaving their own bodies to the powerful is connected to the main lifeline of the industry -which was not always the case – and that lifeline is the Illuminati.


Roseanne Barr On MK ULTRA Mind Control In Hollywood

Actress Roseanne Barr ‘MK Ultra Rules in Hollywood’

Brad Pitt ‘Sickened’ By Angelina’s Hollywood Illuminati Rituals

Angelina Jolie Admits Attending Illuminati Sacrifice in Leaked Video


(Source Below) educate-yourself.org

 The Illuminati in America Exclusive Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer
By Svali with interviewer HJ Springer, Chief Editor CentrExNews.com <centrex@looksmart.com>
Copyright © 2000 CentrExNews.com. All rights reserved.

Part 3: How the Illuminati runs Hollywood 

QI would think that California would be one of the major ‘turfs’ of the Illuminati, and I’m thinking specifically Hollywood. What’s your inside on this, in regards to film making, symbology, subliminals, the whole scene in general?

A: Oh, boy, do you have a few hours? I’ll try to be brief. The Illuminati believethat to control the media is to control the public. This is one of their stated agendas. Remember, finances, media, law, government and education are the areas they targeted as being the best to dominate society.

illuminati-symbols-michael-jackson-dangerous-v1How do they do this? They don’t go to a film producer and say, “Oh, by the way, we’re Illuminati members and we want you to make a movie that promotes our agenda”. (Remember, they aren’t stupid, either). Instead, they will form a small investment corporation that funds movies with ideas that they like. They quietly hire actors and producers and directors and scripts, but they never mention their affiliation publicly or why they are doing this.

Money talks, and especially in Hollywood. If you have money, you can get about anything made, and they know this. They can also channel money intoadvertising campaigns, etc. for their films (how many Christian films have had major ad campaigns in the past twenty years? Very few. How many occult movies have? I rest my case).

This has been a slow, subtle process because they are patient. They have been working behind the scenes for hundreds of years, and they know that the public is slow to accept new ideas, that it has to be done gradually. (They call it leading in the “sheep” which is one of their terms for the “unenlightened”). And it has been. The number of occult films that has come out in the past ten years alone should make anyone pause and think.

Why so many films with this theme? Why the desensitization of America’s youth to the occult and magic? Just look at Saturday morning cartoons. I don’t allow my children to watch them, except for “animaniacs” and Bugs Bunny at times. Instead, we rent old classics with Audrey Hepburn and John Wayne. I can send you some articles that did an excellent job of investigating Walt Disney (he was an Illuminist, and Fantasia was used to program children).

Some films that blatantly portray the Illuminist agenda: The Matrix. You could have peeled me off the ceiling when I saw that one. The references to conditioning and the core were so blatant, it wasn’t funny. Fight Club: I love Brad Pitt and Ed Norton, and this film is a nod at the covert military buildup going on that the average person doesn’t realize. Also, Ed is dissociative in the film, as Pitt’s character takes over (notice that the cult-creating military figure is the “stronger” one in the story?).

The Labyrinth: I haven’t seen this, but my husband did, and everything he mentioned is pure Illuminati programming stories used with children. Any movies with an occult viewpoint, or that show supernatural psychic phenomena, astral travel, or contact with the spirit world are guaranteed to be part of this agenda. I don’t watch them, myself. Saw enough of the real thing to last me this lifetime.

The sensationalization of rituals and other occult insignia on television is another example. Ghost stories. Witch stories. Children’s books about Wizards and their training that are extremely popular.

Oh, yes, Starship Trooper. This one had so many cult symbols (the Illumnists have a strong Aryan ideology going, too) that I almost laughed outright when I saw it. I counted at least 100 in it. Someone had fun going tongue-in-cheek with the Illuminist agenda in that one.

Many fine actors and actresses are being used in films funded by these people. Some may know the agenda, most probably do not, as long as they receive a pay check. Some are also Illuminists as well, although I don’t know who is. I do know a few, but I don’t want to risk a libel suit here.

Anyway, I was too busy training and going to meetings and learning the effects of drugs on people to pay much attention to that part of the group when I was in it, sorry, I don’t have lots of famous names in my memories. I lived a very relatively boring life as a teacher and head trainer, and we rarely discussed the media except the fact that it, too, was another tool to bring in “The New Order”, which is the motivation for all Illuminists.

I want to address another misconception. That is, the one that the Illuminists know that they are evil. When I was in the group, I and those around me were idealogically committed to the agenda as being GOOD. I thought I was helping others reach their full potential when I was a trainer.

I believed that after years of sweat and hard work, that my intelligence won out, and that I made an excellent leader. I fought Jonathan and others on the council when I thought they were unfair, and stood up for the people beneath me. Others did the same. They honestly think they are doing a GOOD thing, and if you told them it was wrong, or evil, they would look confused. (more)


Famous alleged Illuminati members


(Source) realitieswatch.com

15 Famous People Killed by The Illuminati

List of famous people killed by the Illuminati, with information about of each death and sacrifice. The Illuminati is a secret society that is rumored to control all world events. The Illuminati and members of their organization are especially influential in the entertainment industry. It is alleged that members must make a blood sacrifice to the clan in order to gain fame and reach higher ranks. Many famous people have allegedly been killed by the Illuminati for failure to comply with the plan. Still others were killed as part of one of these Illuminati blood sacrifices and for the greater good of the organization. These illuminati sacrifices are very hard to prove, so we will present the facts and it will be up to you whether you want to believe them or not.

Who is the most famous person who was killed by the Illuminati? There is record of many celebrities speaking about the Illuminati, and Michael Jackson tops our list of people who paid the ultimate price. The “Thriller” singer died on June 25, 2009, just days before his comeback concerts were scheduled to take place in London. Jackson is thought to have been a member of the Illuminati, until he started speaking out against them and joining a growing list of Anti-Illuminati celebrities. Before his death, Jackson began to speak out against the powers that be and their need to control everything in the music industry. He also stated that there was a conspiracy to defame him by labeling him a “freak” and a “child molester.” Michael’s sister, La Toya Jackson, said that her brother frequently talked about how “they were trying to kill him.”illuminatieye

Several influential men were killed by the Illuminati in the 1960s, including many American politicians who are alleged Illuminati members. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and Robert F. Kennedy were all shot by lone gunmen under mysterious circumstances. Illuminati sacrifice or just a coincidence? We may never know. (more)

Once again, you make up your own mind. For all we know, a few bad apples may be in the Illuminati. 6ed89c2995bc392ec109b6c90c07c023

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